Preventative Maintenance using Chemco Cleaning Products
"Protect Your Investments"

Board Bright Cutting Board Cleaner
Don't buy a new one-Clean it instead
How to Bring Your Old Board Back to New
1. Place board across empty three-compartment sink.
2. Rinse loose particles from board.
3. Squeeze Board Bright directly onto board, spreading evenly over
entire surface with a paper towel.
4. Let stand 15-20 minutes.
5. If necessary, scrub with a scrubbing pad.
6. Rinse thoroughly.
7. Spray with Chemcocide 1000 Sanitizer and let air dry.

Ice Machines
Clean & Sanitize Ice Machines Regularly
Ice machines should be cleaned & sanitized on average every 3 months or more in some cases.
You can save an average of $300 per cleaning by cleaning it yourself, rather than paying for a service.
A clean machine will run longer and more efficiently, saving on replacement & energy costs.
Use THE INHIBITOR to greatly reduce the amount of mold in your ice machine. It works all day, every day, for three full months.
Some FAQ's:
Q: Will Icy Clean work on machines not requiring a Nickel-safe formula?
A. Yes, ICY CLEAN Nickel-safe Formula works on all brands of Ice Machines.
Q: Where Do I Find Cleaning & Sanitizing Instructions for My Model?
A. If you still have the Owner's Manual, look in the cleaning and sanitizing section. Otherwise, contact the manufacturer for instructions specific to your model.

Oven Cleaning
Clean Ovens Daily
Daily cleaning is quick and easy.
Cleaning daily prevents build-up from becoming a bigger problem than it needs to be.
CHEMCO OVEN CLEANER has been tested and approved by all major oven manufacturers.
To reduce cleaning time and create a barrier between food by-products and oven walls, use CHEMCO OVEN SHIELD after each cleaning.